Empathy C and B Yoga

Destination EMPATHY

Destination EMPATHY

🧠HEAD = Knowledge & Wisdom
❤️HEART = Passion
✋HANDS = Action
What good is PASSION & KNOWLEDGE without ACTION?
Real change begins in the heart.
“Empathy is a quality of character that can change the world.” (Barack Obama)
Our world still has an #empathy deficit.
EMPATHY is about authentic feelings, being curious and attentive towards how others are feeling, showing real care.
Interestingly, Generation Z, by way of nature, is already more empathic than the Baby Boomers, Generation X or Millennials.
Naturally, they celebrate differences, create connection and strengthen relationships. They are change-makers!
🧘In Kids Yoga & Teen Yoga we celebrated friendships across people, countries and cultures, honouring #BestFriendsDay.
Additionally, we focussed on being our own best friend by showing the same effort, dedication, commitment and love to ourselves as we would looking after our best friend.
Destination EMPATHY (#EmpathyDay) was on the map in last week’s adult yoga classes, as part of ADVENTURE month.
Empathy is a skill that can be learnt. According to scientists we can still improve this skill at any point in our lives!
🧎‍♀️Through the practice of yoga, we can develop the ability to be more connected with ourselves and consequently have a deeper connection with those around us.
There is a direct correlation between the level of stress and our ability to be empathetic. Regions in the brain that regulate the stress response are responsible for empathy and connection.
Having empathy for ourselves is just as important as having empathy for other people. Appreciating our own stories, feelings and experiences and doing things that make us feel joyful and content.
🙂I thoroughly enjoy sprinkling in ‘therapeutic wisdom’ into my teaching regardless of the level of client’s level of practice.
(A)symmetries, habitual restrictions and imbalances in our unique
bodies, and how best to tailor yoga practices, fascinate me.
Empathy gives kindness its WHY. Make #EveryDayAnEmpathyDay
Explore the 🧠+❤️+✋ connection:
07393 866507